This reading was cool to read. I'm a visual learner. I grasp on best to concepts that I can see. Examples help me out a great deal. Therefore I find it very much tru that people tend to base their lifestyles off of what they see in movies. A lot of people are in love with the llife if the riches. Some even go to the extent of trying to keep up with that type of lifestlye, knowing that can't afford it at all. So I think they get this "fantasy" imgae of FALSE reality and try to make it ino something real. Its so funny now that I sit back and think about it, how cameras are angled to get across a certain point or theme. I already payed attention to the clothes worn in movies, because I love fashion and like to discover and examine new patterns, colors, shapes, accessories, and trends. Also I pay attention to the type of music used in movies. Especially in horror and supence films. Since Im a nervous wreck while watching them, the intensifying music sticks in my head ! It was interesting to learn about why many directors shy away from documentary flims. As the book mentions, making films can cost millions of dollars, so most directors dont make documentarys because they dont think a lot of people will go out to watch them. In order for directors to make any profit and get back the majority of the money they had to spen to create the film, they have to make films that people will go out and pay to watch. After reading that I understood more of the statement that Hollywood studios rarely have your best interest in mind. Like the majority of worker they are trying to make a dollar. Regardless if they stretch the truth, hide the truth, create fantasys, etc.
I enjoyed this reading.. So sleepy ! See you guys tomorrow =)
Class Cancelled 3/15
14 years ago
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