Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is That A Man or Woman !? Gender ...

Within this reading I found the claims made very accurate. Gender absolutely plays a major role in society. Today it’s as if everyone lives and does what’s expected of them through society’s eyes. In my opinion I believe that our early child role models sculpt our ideas and views of how men and women are “suppose” to behave. However for me I grew up in a household with my mom. There weren’t any male influences or role models within my home. Therefore growing up I sort of developed the need and strive for independence. I think that due to the lack of a father in my home, I took some masculine, well as society would view them, traits. On the other hand I’ve always has my grandfather and uncles to look at as to what men are “suppose” to do. From that I know when I’m talking to guys and pursuing any type of relationship, I keep those notes in mind. I guess you could say it’s like a cheat sheet or a mental check list!

Also, the reading suggests that when people hear certain statements they automatically put a label on it as male or female. That was funny to me. For example if you hear that someone has went on a shooting spree on a school, who are you more likely to assume did it a man or a women? I would think a man. Why? Because shooting seems masculine and to me and a person shooting has to have a lot of aggression and strength, which is more common in men. Another statement that stood out to me was if someone tells you they have a wonderful new doctor, are you more likely to assume it’s a man or women? Personally, it depends on which sex told me. If a woman told me I would assume the doctor was a woman and if a male told me I would think it was a man. The sex of the person is taken into consideration for me because I think both men and women have different views on what a wonderful doctor is. If a woman thinks the doctor is wonderful I think it’s because he can relate to her, vice versa with a man.

So far I’ve enjoyed the introduction to this gender section. I find the documentation clear and relatable.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reading 341-345

This reading was cool to read. I'm a visual learner. I grasp on best to concepts that I can see. Examples help me out a great deal. Therefore I find it very much tru that people tend to base their lifestyles off of what they see in movies. A lot of people are in love with the llife if the riches. Some even go to the extent of trying to keep up with that type of lifestlye, knowing that can't afford it at all. So I think they get this "fantasy" imgae of FALSE reality and try to make it ino something real. Its so funny now that I sit back and think about it, how cameras are angled to get across a certain point or theme. I already payed attention to the clothes worn in movies, because I love fashion and like to discover and examine new patterns, colors, shapes, accessories, and trends. Also I pay attention to the type of music used in movies. Especially in horror and supence films. Since Im a nervous wreck while watching them, the intensifying music sticks in my head ! It was interesting to learn about why many directors shy away from documentary flims. As the book mentions, making films can cost millions of dollars, so most directors dont make documentarys because they dont think a lot of people will go out to watch them. In order for directors to make any profit and get back the majority of the money they had to spen to create the film, they have to make films that people will go out and pay to watch. After reading that I understood more of the statement that Hollywood studios rarely have your best interest in mind. Like the majority of worker they are trying to make a dollar. Regardless if they stretch the truth, hide the truth, create fantasys, etc.

I enjoyed this reading.. So sleepy ! See you guys tomorrow =)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 8th reading

So the "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria" was interesting. What I basically got from it was that the black community finds comfort within each other. Black people find more support and emotional understanding and support in other black people rather than in other races. Since they have that, it's hard to go out of their comfort zones. I can somewhat relate to this idea. Being as though, the college I attend is made up of mostly white people; I tend to make up the minority of my classes. Sometimes it seems like I can't relate to some of the white students or I don't think they can relate to me or understand a problem I may be having, because they never experienced it or have gone through anything. Therefore if I see a black person I feel a certain bond or instant connection. Don't get the wrong idea because I do have friends outside of my race. In fact I'm not even cool with every or ALL black people. I don't automatically trust a person just because they share the same color as me. For the most part I give everyone (all races) the same treatment. If you seem like a nice person, I don't mind talking to you or hanging out. However I think the idea that this section presents applies for all races. I rarely see Whites, Asians, Chinese, Hispanics, etc. sitting outside of their race. Why is that? Are they afraid? Do they too find more support and comfort within their own community and race? Speaking as a African American, I will say that at times I feel no one could ever understand fully how it feel to be black. I'm not sad or feel unfortunate for being a black woman. I take pride in who I am and feel blessed to be a part of such a strong heritage. I think that being confined to one group of people, who are black goes back to slavery days. Back then blacks stuck together because they were all each other had and they listened to each other, being support systems, so the samething is going on today. Its about being comfortable and not feeling judged, alone or out of place...

I read the other selections, but I felt more strongly about this one. See you guys at the discussion!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Race && Ethnicity

In this reading a lot about stereotypes and how they come about were analyzed. Also, they way people judge others off of their appearance and/or race before they get to know the person. I find it believable that people do that. Personally I tend to judge people based off conversation and the way they carry themselves. I try not to go solely off of looks because in high school people made WRONG assumptions of my just because of the way i wore my hair, the brand of my clothes, color of my lip gloss, how high my heels may have been that day and just other silly observations. Once they got to know me, they had a total change of thought. Most thought I was stuck up and conceited which is far from how I am. After going through that experience I learned not to be so quick to judge or place labels on other because I hated when it was done to me. I know it still goes on but knowing who I am and being comfortable with that has allowed me to look pass it. The reading mentions stereotypes about different races. African Americans being athletic which is such an present assumption! I found it interesting that the book says definitions of race is always changing. I agree with this because it seems as if the world changes every day and each day new things are being discovered and talked about and I most certainly agree that race and ethnicity is one of those topics. In my 12th grade year of high school I read a book called The Tipping Point. The book describes many scenarios and examples that realate to real life. One chapter was about people and their environments. It basically said that people are more affected by their environments than they think. After researching and studying I absolutely agree to this finding. I said that to say that when the book says peoples judgments or stereotypes has something to do with their upbringing, I believe that as well. I think stereotyping is a learned behavior and isn't natural.

I enjoyed these few pages! [SIDE NOTE: I seriously need to get with the program, referring to this blogging by 6pm thing, Ughhh I'm going to get it!! Sorry Ms. Jess =)]