Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ohk Soo...

I enjoyed these readings. I often feel like some shows put black characters in shows just to say they were in there and/or to make the show seem funnier. Although Im not a fan of The Simpsons, I will admit that I watch Family Guy. Sometimes, I feel like they go over board. Shows like Family Guy and The Boondocks, create so many stereotypes. With our closed minded society it's vert important to not get caught up into catagorizing everyone into one mold, based off of the perception of a character from a TELEVISION show. I think people get confused in seperating reality from fiction. It's a shame. One episode of Family Guy, had peter acting like a ghetto secratary. He had long purple nails, spoke ghetto, and kept putting people on hold. At some point its like ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Sometimes these "comical" shows can be very insulting and damaging to certain races.

I watch MTV a lot. I never liked Next, Date My Mom, or Roomradiers. But I do find myself making sure I can watch my favorite shows! lol. I agree 100 percent that Next degrades women to the fulliest. Young girls are being portrayed as nothing. The sad thing to me is, some girls dont mind being degraded for a few minutes of "fame". What's even worst is those who don't know and think everythings ohk. MTV has so much miney that thet are over the whole degrading to women thing. I think society has become excepting to stereotypes and dont care enough to do anything about it. Maybe we've become discouraged? Im not sure, but I think something needs to be done.


IM SUPER UPSET RIGHT NOW, I JUST WROTE A LONG BLOGG AND IT DELETED OUT OF NOWHERE. IM NOT WRITING IT OVER. I DONT EVEN REMRMBER EVEYTHING I SAID. WOW IM SOOOO PISSED. IM SICK TO MY STOMACH. I can't believe this just happened, i seriously want to cry, I rushed home and everything to do this as soon as I finished the freakn computer just deleted it. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I will say I liked this reading. I agree that MTV is degrading to women. Peolpe all over should read this book.

Sorry guys I'm mad right now and rather not blogg. I'll have more to say during discussion. Ttygl :'(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reading 119 to 124.. Finally something I could get into lol!!

Im sooo happy this reading wasn't as dry as the first! This one was more about watching television and how to analyze it. It was cool how the text used real life and popular shows to explain how directors think. Also I found it interesting to know how the camera being held ay different levels and angles makes a difference. I thought all shows were basically filmed the same way. I never thought it really made a differance on which camera was used and where you held it. But now that I think of it, when I used to watch sope operas with my grandma, there were ALWAYS close-ups. Seriously, there would be a major close-up then it would go into another scene. Lol. Im starting to think this book really knows what it's talking about jk. Another thing that stood out to me numerous times, that was mentioned in the book was the limited races displayed in shows. Sometimes I wonder why isn't there a black person in the cast? If there is a black person, then they're either crazy, ghetto, funny, unemployed, and have a lot of drama. Im some cases it's funny, but not when the entire cast is white and the black person is the onnly one looking foolish. Smh.

I guess some people subject to degrading themselves to a certain degree when they have a nice pay check waving in their face...

But so far so good, very enlightening ready for the next section!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Reading

The World is A Text, is interesting. After I read the first few pages, I thought it was going to be sort of tedious. Being as though it kept repeating the same idea, but in different words. Since I was working out as I read, I was able to focus more on it because it helped distract me from how long I was on the machine! I found it interesting how the book brings different ways of interpereting and describing information. Also I appreciated the many examples, that were given to help explain the more complex meanings. It helps when you I can relate to whatever it is being taught to me.

The reading provoked me to think more deeply when coming across paper advertisements and commercials. I've noticed new things that I never picked up from advertisments that I've seen before. I feel like I can learn a lot from The World is A Text, it's already begon to change my ways of thinking.

All in all I have more positives than negatives, and can't wait to learn more.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reflection of My Name

During the first day of English class, we were put into groups and told to discuss the meanings of our names. Right away I though "IM IN TROUBLE"! I didn't have a clue of where my name came from or why I was named it. Therefore, I was skeptical about the whole activity. Fortunate for me my group members found it funny and didnt look at me like I was a crazy goose!

Obviously my name Ashley. I asked my mom later that night where my naem came from and she said she got the idea from a popular sopa opera. "Ashley" is a a very popular name; therefore, I don't feel as though my name defines me or describes me. Being as though Iconsider myself to be an unordinary and unique individual. However, I don't allow my name to set any type of boundaries around me. I live day to day as the person I've grown to be, regardless of my name. All in all, my name, its self, doesn't mean that much about me, but the person behind it and the differnent characteristics and traits represents and means a lot.